‘pregorexia’: Extreme Dieting By Moms-to-be

Guide to Hungary’s signature dishes

<img src='http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/131119105651-hungary-foods—chimney-cake-horizontal-gallery.jpg&#039; width='200px' alt='What's better than wrapping pastry dr oz garcinia cambogia around a cylinder to bake over the last embers of an open fire? A heavy coat of caramel to capture cinnamon, cocoa and/or walnuts adds a saliva-inducing finishing touch.’ style=’float:left;padding:5px’ />

would be restricting her calories or over-exercising and hurting her baby?” said Baumann. Celebrity media culture plays a role It has almost become a given now in our tabloid and celebrity media-obsessed culture, said Claire Mysko, spokeswoman for the National Eating Disorders Association, that any time a celebrity is pregnant, there will be a 24/7 focus on how much weight she gains and how quickly she loses it. Think Kate Middleton. Beyonce. Victoria Beckham.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.ksat.com/lifestyle/-Pregorexia-Extreme-dieting-by-moms-to-be/-/477938/23065148/-/m1ssdtz/-/index.html

Hungarians adore their palacsinta — pancakes that are more like French crepes. This savory version is a rich stew of minced veal or chicken tucked inside the pancakes and smothered with a sour cream and paprika sauce. Hungarians are right behind the French in their love for this buttery delicacy. Goose liver pate is best served wrapped in bacon and lightly grilled.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/22/travel/hungarian-food/index.html

Lose Weight Without Dieting or Exercising with Garcinia Cambogia Pure Weight Loss Pills Now Available Online with 50% Discount Offer

But is the act of dieting good for you? Read on for the pros and cons of dieting and let us know what you think! The Good Dieting doesn’t have to mean depriving. However, overhauling your normal eating habits can be good for you, especially if you’re used to eating things that may not be so healthy. In fact, vowing to go on a diet causes you to make healthier lifestyle choices, which can be a good step in maintaining a healthy diet in the future. Then there’s the benefits of carrying on a low-calorie diet that can prolong life.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.fitsugar.com/Should-You-Dieting-Pros-Cons-18652942

Should You Be Dieting? The Pros and Cons

Oz investigates 2013 Hottest, Fastest Fat-Buster Weight Loss Diet from Pure Garcinia Cambogia – Amazing diet that is quickly gaining popularity in U.S. and around the world. (Consumers’s Health) – Garcinia Cambogia Extract is the latest buzz in the “battle of the bulge”. Yes, Dr. Oz called Garcinia Cambogia Extract (HCA) the Holy Grail of Weight Loss. He went on to say, “Anytime I see a scientist get this excited about something like Garcinia Cambogia Extract and when I looked through some of this research and called these scientists myself, I get excited!
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.sport-news.de/socialnews/show/169434/lose-weight-without-dieting-or-exercising-with-garcinia-cambogia-pure-weight-loss-pills-now-available-online-with-50%25-discount-offer/

Xtreme Fat Loss Diet Review Exposes Joel Marion’s New Weight Loss Program

The Fat Loss Factor Program Review – Fat Loss Factor Is a Scam?

This means that within only 25 days, users will see spectacular results. So far, the author has helped thousands of people worldwide get in shape, being even named one of the best personal trainers in the United States. The magazine informs that every day in the 5-day cycle is different, uniquely mixing workout techniques and eating patterns that can boost the metabolism and therefore speed up the fat burning process. Users will be pleased to know that the program can be done in the comfort of their own home, without wasting time or money on going to the gym.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.benzinga.com/pressreleases/13/11/p4066796/xtreme-fat-loss-diet-review-exposes-joel-marions-new-weight-loss-progra

The Fat Loss Factor | Real Fat Loss Factor Review Testimonials – Fat Loss Factor

The book explains how muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, giving you the ability to burn fat even when you’re not working out. By working in sets and supersets, Fat Loss Factor guides you through basic exercises that will build the muscle you need without bulking up. By the time you reach the fourth principle of fat loss, you will find out that traditional cardiovascular routines are not what you want to do for your exercise. Citing scientific research from around the world, Fat Loss Factor urges exercising in bursts or what is called burst training. By alternating between high intensity and low intensity intervals, your body burns more fat and your workout is much shorter!
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hb-MA6XMAXU

The main component present in Garcinia Cambogia Extract Pills is hydroxycitric acid or H.C.A., a compound that is able to enhance mood as well as to sculpt the body.In Other words, you feel less hungry so you’ll eat less but in the same time you’ll have lots of energy hence a positive mood. How do the Ingredients in these Pills are so Effective? Check This Offer To Convince Yourself – See Effectiveness! Free Bottles For You To Test Are Still Available Online .:HERE:. Edit: Multiple studies reveal the safety garcinia cambogia side effects and effectiveness of Garcinia Cambogia. One study in particular followed 60 obese people trying to lose weight for 8 (eight) weeks: One group used HCA supplements as part of their diet, while another group took placebos. At the end of the study, the HCA group lost twice as many pounds as the placebo group. These are very impressive results, that’s why some like to call Garcinia Cambogia Fruit Extract as “The Wonder Natural Extract”!
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.sport-news.de/socialnews/show/120266/the-fat-loss-factor-program-review-fat-loss-factor-is-a-scam/

Dietary Spirulina Intake Manages Blood Pressure And Cholesterol, May Help Prevent Atherosclerosis

But spirulina appears to naturally prevent all this by not only regulating artery size but also decreasing blood levels of harmful forms of cholesterol. “In humans, Spirulina maxima intake decreases blood pressure and plasma lipid concentrations, especially triacylglycerols and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, and indirectly modifies the total cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol values,” reads the study’s abstract, which you can view in full here: http://science.naturalnews.com . Prevent heart attacks, heart disease with spirulina Naturally, the benefits of improved vasodilation and reduced lipid levels also extend to the heart. A related study out of South Korea published just one year later in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology found that, even when fed a high cholesterol diet (HCD), New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits experienced reduced triglyceride (TG) and total cholesterol (TC) levels when also given between 1 and 5 percent spirulina for eight weeks. Compared to rabbits just given HCD — NZW rabbits, it is important to note, are not meant to consume cholesterol after the nursing phase, rabbits given spirulina saw reductions in the intimal surface of the aorta, as well as significant reductions in both TG and TC. Rabbits fed spirulina also experienced increases in high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), more commonly known as “good” cholesterol.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.naturalnews.com/042783_dietary_spirulina_cholesterol_cardiovascular_health.html

Egypt’s ousted president in prison hospital


Join the Nation’s Conversation To find out more about Facebook commenting please read the Conversation Guidelines and FAQs Egypt’s ousted president in prison hospital Sarah El Deeb, Associated Press 11:07 a.m. EST November 5, 2013 An Egyptian court has set Nov. 4 as the start date for the trial of ousted president Mohammed Morsi. (Photo: Eraldo Peres, AP) 62-year-old Morsi complained of high blood pressure and high blood sugar Ousted Egyptian leader has been held in a secret military facility Interior Ministry said he was receiving regular check-ups SHARE 3 CONNECT 38 TWEET COMMENTEMAILMORE CAIRO (AP) Security officials say Egypt’s ousted President Mohammed Morsi spent his first night in a civilian penitentiary in a hospital room after he complained he wasn’t feeling well.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/11/05/egypt-morsi-prison-hospital/3442559/

High Blood Pressure, Steroids May Worsen Lupus

The good news is that patients might be able to change both risk factors, says Ian Bruce, MD. He is a professor of rheumatology at the University of Manchester. Bruce presented his research at the annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology. Lupus affects an estimated 160,000 or more U.S.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.ajc.com/feed/lifestyles/health/high-blood-pressure-steroids-may-worsen-lupus/fWQ7k/